Wednesday, April 7, 2010

New York City

When I was sitting in a Johnny Rockets in New York City over the weekend I noticed that the things that I originally miss took for prices were actually the calorie count on the items. What was even worse about the whole thing was the fact that there was nothing on the whole menu of any substance under 1000 calories. Now for those who don't know, the recommended caloric consumption for the average adult male is between 2000 and 3000(Young active adult) calories. This means that to eat a cheeseburger and a Sunday would basically be all the calories that I would need for the whole day.

I am aware now aware of the attempts by New York to make its residence more conscious of what they eat, and I completely support that effort. However, even though i would not consider myself weight conscious I found the entire dining experience less enjoyable almost dare i say it depressing. I believe that the Government needs to alert people to the nature of what they consume but not destroy a meal. In the case of New York, this requirement of calories on the menu along with past legislature on the use of trans fats have gone way to far.
Having worked in a number of upscale restaurants, the idea of limiting ingredients in a dish to those that are classified as healthy is preposterous. The best example I can give is the use of duck fat in frying potatoes. Although they may have been" poison" they were delicious in moderation.

Americans are once again trying to push the blame of overweightness on the industries that cater to them rather than taking responsibility for their own short comings.

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